Vehicle Sensors & Loops
Exit & Entry Induction Loops for Automatic Gates, Magnetic Sensors that Detect the Metal Mass of a Vehicle. When a Vehicle approaches the Gates or Barrier It will be detected by the Induction Loops which will trigger the Gates or Barrier to open. Commonly used in conjunction with an Entry System such as an Intercom or Keypad. When someone has been allowed to enter via the Entry System they can leave via the Free Exit Loop. These Magnetic Sensors are some times used for Free Entry and Free Exit for example during office hours, the entry loop may then been switched off via a Timer Switch outside of those hours and the visitor would use an Intercom or Keypad to gain access.
Vehicle Sensors & Loops
Exit & Entry Induction Loops for Automatic Gates, Magnetic Sensors that Detect the Metal Mass of a Vehicle. When a Vehicle approaches the Gates or Barrier It will be detected by the Induction Loops which will trigger the Gates or Barrier to open. Commonly used in conjunction with an Entry System such as an Intercom or Keypad. When someone has been allowed to enter via the Entry System they can leave via the Free Exit Loop. These Magnetic Sensors are some times used for Free Entry and Free Exit for example during office hours, the entry loop may then been switched off via a Timer Switch outside of those hours and the visitor would use an Intercom or Keypad to gain access.
Faac Loop Detectors (4)
AES E-Loop (25)
AES E-Loop Introducing a new concept in wireless vehicle detection. The inground e-Loop replaces traditional wired inductive loops, saving time and money while increasing reliability. If you have any further questions about the AES E-Loop range please give us a call on 01223 839991. One of our experts will be happy to help! We have 30 years of industry experience and vast knowledge of access control! All advice is free and no obligation to buy! Or why not pop an email to [email protected] FREE UK Mainland delivery on all orders over £100! Contact us about shipping to Ireland or Northern Ireland. -
Diablo Probes (11)
Diablo Probes The Diablo “Mini-Loops” are intended to be buried beneath the roadway surface and connected, via lead-in cable, to the Diablo DML-9LP Detector. Installation costs may be significantly less than those for conventional loops, because only single, straight 1/4-in. saw cuts need to be made and a 1-in. diameter hole drilled about 20 inches deep (version dependent) Also resulting is the opportunity for greatly increased service life due to the reduced exposure to hazards such as road traffic, pavement movement, pavement deterioration, and roadwork. The fact that the Diablo Probes are not installed in the pavement and that the lead-in is very durable allows the “Mini-Loop” to be used in situations such as cobblestone pavements, poor pavements, dirt/gravel roads, and bridge decks. Minimal intrusion into good pavements is another benefit. -
Procon (15)
Procon Browse our range of traditional Procon induction Loops and the Procon Probe -
CAME Loop Detectors (2)